When people think of coffee they usually picturise something that'll boast their energy, help them stay awake and concentrate.   When someone needs some sleepless hours at night or energy booster in the morning, their favorite get away is coffee. Despite what you have heard, there...
  Scorching heat, perspiration, heat waves, hot days, short nights.SUMMER HAS ARRIVED!!!   Summer one of the four seasons of the year. And definitely the hottest of them all. In this article we'll discuss the way to protect ourselves from the heat this summer. This is...
Ayurveda is a combination of 2 words 'AYU' meaning 'life' and 'VEDA' meaning 'science'. Therefore the word itself represents 'SCIENCE OF LIFE'. It is a part of 'ATHARVAVEDA' (one of the four Veda).According to an ancient ayurvedic text 'CHARAKA SAMHITA', ayurveda is where good,...