SHARADA RITUCHARYA - way to live the autumn
Autumn is a dull season, but it is a “tasty season" , because there are a lot of fruit and vegetables in autumn: apples and pears, plums and grapes, carrots and cabbages, potatoes and cucumbers, tomatoes and beet.
The weather begins to get colder and many plants stop making food. A time when trees shed their leaves.
The leaves change from green to red, orange, yellow or brown before falling. This can also be reflected in your health. In addition, there is less sunlight because the days are shorter.
AYURVEDA has emphasised to maintain your health and prevent the occurrence of diseases by having proper diet and following appropriate lifestyle rather than worrying about their treatment and cure.
At first, it might seem daunting to follow a daily routine which might be completely new to some. To others, it may be difficult to alter their food choices and food habits. But, RITUCHARYA(seasonal regimen) is described in ayurvedic texts that serves the purpose of being healthy throughout the year and over the years as well.
Dakshinayana indicates the descent of the sun or southward movement of the sun. In this period, the moon becomes powerful whereas the sun and the wind lose their power. It is also called visargakala because the moon provides strength to the planet via it's rays.
In varsha(monsoon), sharada(autumn), hemant(pre-winters) sun move towards south and monsoon and rains reduce the effect of uttarayana(adanakala).
It brings about an increase in amla(sour), lavana(salty) and madhur(sweet) rasa(taste) in varsha, sharada and hemant ritu respectively which reduces the dryness in the body and increase the bala(strength). From varsha to hemant dryness in weather decreases. It has an overall restorative effect on the environment and human beings.
Sharada ritu(autumn season) is a part of dakshinayana and chronologically, it is the second ritu of dakshinayana.
Months: Mid-september to mid-november
Mansa(hindu calender months) :
The rasa (taste) that it predominant in vegetation or crops of rainy season is lavana(salty).
The predominant mahabhoot are Jala & Agni.
State of strength
The strength of the person remains medium.
Pacification of vitiated Vata Dosha & vitiation of Pitta Dosha occur & activity of agni increases.
Foods that have madhura(sweet) & tikta(bitter) rasa(taste) are advised.
Also, foods which are laghu(easy to digest) & have cold property should be taken.
Foods that pacifies the vitiated pitta dosha should be favoured.
'तन्नान्नपानं मधुरं लघु शीतं सतिक्तकम्।'
(च. सू. ६/४२)
Wheat, green gram, honey, Patola (Trichosanthes diocia), flesh of animals of dry land (jangalraj mansa) are to be included in diet.
It is best to avoid hot, bitter, sweet & astringent foods.
The food items such as fat, oils, meat of aquatic animals, curds are also not to be included in the diet.
'वसां तैलमवश्यायमौदकानूपमामिषम्।
क्षारं दधि......................... वर्जयेत्।
( च. सू. ६/४५)
Fruits to munch on:
-Custard apples
Vegetables to have:
-Sweet potatoes
-Egg plant
-Spring onion
Make a habit of eating food, only when there is a feeling of hunger.
Lifestyle choices
It is advised to wear flower garlands & to apply paste of chandana (Santalum album) on the body.
'तिक्तस्य सर्पिषः पानं विरेको रक्तमोक्षणम्।'
( च. सू. ६/४४)
Panchakarma procedures such as virichana (purging), rakta mokshana (blood letting) should be done during this season.
Consumption of Tikta & Mahatikta ghrita is recommended during this time.
'दिवास्वप्ननं प्राग्वातं चात्र वर्जयेत्।'
( च. सू. ६/४५)
Day-sleep, excessive eating, excessive exposure to sunlight should be avoided.
'दिवा सूर्यांशुसंतप्तं निशि चन्द्रंंशुशीतलम्।
कालेन पक्वं निर्दोषमगस्तयेनाविषीकृतम्।
हंसोदकमिति ख्यातं शारदं विमलं शुचि।
स्नानपानावगाहेषु शस्यते तद्यथा अमृतम्।'
( च. सू. ६/४६,४७)
Water which is purified by the rays of sun in day time & rays of moon at night time, should be used for drinking and bathing.
Fall has fallen but this time, don't let your HEALTH follow....
If you have any doubts. Please let me know.