Lifestyle Disorders- a threat to life.

All over internet, people are preaching and trying to warn about the lifestyle disorders, that has shown a hike in prevalence in the last few decades. 

It's important to talk about it because it is really dangerous. And its important to keep your body protected with a shield of good lifestyle practices and defeat the demon of disorders. 

You must be wandering that why every other person is taking or writing about lifestyle disorders or simply focussing on it. 

Let me answer with the help of an example, when a person tells you something, you won't believe it just like that. May be you'll hear it and just delete the thing from your brain. Or may be you don't find it that important and relevent,  so automatically you don't give the required attention to it. But if the same thing is told to you, multiple times by different people you pay attention to it and think it over. Just like that if you read or hear about the lifestyle disorders you'll think about abstaining the incorrect lifestyle, without being noticing it. 

There's another perspective to it, these disorders are so treacherous that everyone is trying to give you a warning signal

Either you alter your style of life or your lifestyle will alter you.

Lifestyle disorders, a disease associated with the way people live their lives. Or these are the ailments that are due to the day to day habits and routines of the people.

Habit that detrack people from everyday activities and push them to a sedantary lifestyle and land them into a place where they find themselves diseased.

Faulty DIET and LIFESTYLE CHANGES are the main culprits to develop the lifestyle disorders such as obesity, coronary heart diseases, dyslipidaemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, anaemia and some mental disorders. 

Drug abuse, tobbacco smoking and alcohol drinking as well as a lack of or too much exercise may also increase the risk of developing certain diseases, especially later in life. 

These non - communicable diseases(NCDs). These are commonly caused by lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating, alcohol, drugs and smoking. 

During the latter half of the 20th century, people developed sedentary lifestyle and greater rates of obesity.NCDs kill around 40 million people each year, that is around 70% of all the deaths globally. These are chronic in nature. 

Adults can develop lifestyle disorders through behavioural factors that impact on them. These can be unemployment, unsafe life, poor socio - economic environment, working conditions, stress and home life can change a person's lifestyle to increase their risk of developing one of these disease.


When the control and coordination of physical and sensory activities are disturbed, it leads to the derangement of lifestyle and results in any lifestyle disorder. Ayurveda narrated this phenomenon as 'PRAJYAPRADHA'  (intellectual blasphemy) which is one of the three basic cause of any disease. 

  • habit of supressing the natural urges
  • forcibly attending the urges
  • doing the daring(साहसिक) acts more than one's own capacity
  • practising improper diet and lifestyle despite knowing the proper one's 

These are the fundamental causes of disease causation described in ayurvedic texts.

Prevention are remedies or activities that aim to reduce the likelihood of a disease or disorder affecting people.

If the lifestyle is altered before occurence of any disease or disorder, it will automatically prevent it's onset. 

Prevention can be done in many aspects :

-Through DIET
  • avoid excess use of dairy products and oily foods. 
  • avoid alcoholic beverages and tobacco
  • avoidance of junk food
  • limit consumption of sugary products
  • food should be taken depending upon the digestive capacity

  • following daily regimen, seasonal regimen and night routine
  • drinking lukewarm water just after waking up in the morning
  • practising yoga or any other physical exercise
  • practising massage with medicated oil
  • undergo seasonal purificatory procedures i.e. PANCHAKARMA

  • positive thinking
  • do well for others
  • follow ACHARA RASAYANA(code of conduct) 
  • SADVRITTA PALANA(following righteous things) 

Brainstorming about the fact that 'how can these detrimental disorders be cured?'

Don't worry we have already done it for you. We have researched enough and are putting forward some ways of cure for these life threatening devils. 

You must have heard the phase that 'every bad thing has something good in it'

The best thing about lifestyle disorders is that they are reversible by fine tuning the lifestyle. 

Ayurveda provides a long list of methods for management of lifestyle disorders:
  • DINCHARYA(daily regimen) 
  • RITUCHARYA(seasonal regimen) 
  • SADVRITTA PALANA(following ideal routines) 
  • ACHARA RASAYANA(code of conduct) 
  • RASAYANA THERAPIES(rejuvenation therapies) 
  • PANCHAKARMA(five detoxification or purification therapies) 

The inclusive utilization of all these treatment modalities has a great effect on lifestyle disorders. 

Moreover, the application of organ-specific rasayana herbs also provide enough scope not only for prevention of diseases, but also for the promotion of health and cure of diseases too. 

According to a report published by    ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research)in 2017, 3 of the 5 leading individual causes of disease burden in India were non-communicable. 

Of all the total deaths, from major disease groups 62% of all deaths were caused by non-communicable diseases. 

Lifestyle disorders are a result of what we eat and what we think. Good balanced diet and mental equilibrium are necessary to lead a disease free life. Concept of Ayurveda and Yoga, if practised together it can make tremendous changes in the spectrum of health. 

                                         - NUMEN AYURVED


If you have any doubts. Please let me know.